Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I've been forced into a new template with Blogger that I am not at all happy with .  I heard complaints but they were of trying to use the unfamiliar. Mine is not that at all.  It is that I loved my old template so much! All four of my blogs on Blogger are in the same simple, black template that I liked so much.  So far I have not had to change any of them but will be forced to at some point.  There is an option to use CSS but I am not at all knowledgeable in that realm.  

The template I have chosen is called simple and is closest to the previous one which you can see by pressing pictures and Pursuits or one of the other Blogger blogs listed to the right.  I will work on this template and try to improve what I can .

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Weedy Soybean Field

An overview of a weedy field.
  The weed is a type of grass with a puffy golden head
 that was absolutely gorgeous in the sunlight.
  Click to make the bottom shot larger and see what I mean.